New Delhi, December 17: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has decided to seek the opinion of the people on whether they should form a government in Delhi with the support of the Congress party. At the same time, the party pooh-poohed the extension of support by the Congress party, describing it as shatir (clever).
AAP had decided to seek the people’s opinion as there was a strong view within the party that it should form a government with outside support of the Congress even for six months to fulfil its agenda and also to show that it can deliver, AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal said at a press conference here on Tuesday.
According to Mr. Kejriwal, there is another view in the party that the Congress will not withdraw its support till the Lok Sabha elections.
Accepting the diversity of views within the party, Mr. Kejriwal said that while a few members of the Political Affairs Committee and MLAs supported the idea of forming the government some others wanted the party to go for re-election.
“This morning we had our meeting of PAC and MLAs. Unlike the other parties, we do not take decisions in closed rooms, therefore the party decided to take people’s opinion,” he said.
The party has chalked a six-day programme during which it will organise 270 public rallies in each municipal ward to take a “sense of people’s opinion.” Over 25 lakh copies of Mr. Kejriwal’s letter addressed to the people of Delhi will also be distributed during the opinion gathering campaign. People can send their feedback to the party through SMS, phone calls and social media. The party will complete the process by Sunday and is likely to meet the Lieutenant-Governor on Monday.