Arvind Kejriwal has kept his promise to Delhi. On Monday, his third day as Delhi chief minister, he announced the supply of 20 kilolitres a month (almost 700 litres a day) of free water for Delhi households from January 1, 2014. Mr Kejriwal was unwell and had to skip office yesterday, but chaired a meeting of the Delhi Jal Board at his apartment in Ghaziabad in the evening.
Allan DSouza, Paladka
He is a Software Engineer from Moodbidri currently living in Kuwait. He likes to travel and post interesting things about technology. He is the designer of You may follow him on FB at
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Congressmen are Confused !
AAP made a few poll promises – prominent being ,
> 700 Liters of free water per month
> 50 % subsidy in power bills
And people of Delhi elected them to power
Then within 48 hours of forming government , AAP fulfilled these promises
Total cost ?
Less than Rs 40 Crores / month
Congressmen are asking themselves ,
” We promised Rs 200 Cr / month of freebies – and got thrown out of
Rajasthan / MP / Chhattisgarh
What went wrong ?
The more we promise , the more we lose !
And , to win 2014 elections , we have promised 600 million poor people
a monthly subsidy of Rs 8,000 Crores by way of Food Security Bill
At this rate , what will happen to us ?
It seems , the more freebies you promise , the greater your chance of
being thrown out of power !
And look at what Rahul Gandhi has promised the people of Amethi :
> A railway coach factory
> A University
> A paper mill
> 40 food processing units
> Indian Institute of Information Technology
> Footwear Design and Development Institute
> IT hub in Tikarmafi
> A railway line ………………etc
But Kumar Vishwas ( AAP candidate for Amethi ) is promising only ,
> A clean / corruption-free / pro-poor government
No more !
With just 5 months before the 2014 elections , how can our would-be Prime Minister , withdraw those promises ?
And , since the logic of ” Less is More ” seems to work , does that mean Kumar Vishwas will defeat Rahul Gandhi ? ”
And Rahul Gandhi is asking Sheila Dikshit :
> Why , in 15 years , you did not implement what Arvind Kejriwal did ?
> Why you did not ask CAG to conduct an audit of Discoms ?
> Why you did not hold Mohalla – Sabhas to connect with Aam Aadmi ?
> Why you failed to figure out that people wanted toilets, not highways ?
Now , all of you , repeat after me ,
> Less is More
> Simple is Elegant
> Adarsh is not Ideal
> Aam is not Ordinary
> CAG is credible
> Jhadu will sweep
> Congress will weep
Sheila Dikshit , Chidambaram , Kapil Sibal , Salman Khurshid , Jairam Ramesh , Manish Tewari , Kamal Nath , Digvijay – and sundry other Netas , are utterly confused !
* hemen parekh ( 01 Jan 2014 / Mumbai )