New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday appealed to members of the Rajya Sabha, and other members of parliament to rise above politicising murder, rapes and killings.
Participating in a debate on President Pranab Mukherjee’s recent address to a joint session of parliament, Modi said: “Will we politicise murder, rapes and killings? We need to rise above this. Need to think of a solution together.”
Earlier in the Lok Sabha, Modi said: “We have to make women partners in our journey of development. Playing with dignity of women does not suit us. Women’s respect should be a priority for all Indians.”
He questioned the need for leaders and politicians to make unsavoury and uncalled for comments on women, and asked why they couldn’t maintain a dignified silence, and work to end such menace.
He also called on states to be more policy-driven. “If a state is policy-driven, the scope for corruption is reduced a lot. Technology can help us lessen and curb corruption,” he said.
Talking about concerns arising in the public domain about the criminalisation of politics, the prime minister said: “Whether we like it or not, there is blot on parliament. People say that criminals go to Parliament. I request the Supreme Court to expedite the cases against such MPs. We can then implement this in the Assemblies, and then in the municipal corporation. In this manner we can rid politics of criminalisation.”
“If we have your support, we can make India better. Think of the country for the first four years, the last year is enough for politics. The duty of all MPs is to work for the country,” Modi said.