Don’t let it define you
So you and your partner decided to shoot a clip of yourselves in the throes of passion… at the end of the day, we forget that at its core, the video is just evidence of how much two people love each other. That logic is a bit stretched and less romantic if your video has some seriously warped BDSM stuff. Nevertheless, don’t let the video label you and your partner as people of loose morals. You know that there’s more to you than this video and when one is drowning in unbearable embarrassment, it’s hard to see oneself outside of the debilitating context. Remind yourself that no persons were harmed in the making of this video.
Accept internet woes
The Internet has a long, unforgiving memory. Unless you’re able to pull some strings and remove the video from circulation and by some stroke of luck even have the cache cleared everywhere, in this world of WhatsApp and its ilk, there’s little control you have over how quickly this will spiral out of reach. That said, the people who thrive on such stuff on the Internet, have short attention spans. Most of them at least. So you’ll might be the flavour of the day/week/month, but before you know it, someone else will be red-faced with something similar. It’s a twisted logic but it actually works.
Crack the whodunnit
The thrill of shooting yourself in the buff may be quite kinky but if you’re technologically impaired, you’re actually gearing up to shoot yourself in the foot instead. People record videos of the actions on their cellphones, switch handsets and tend to delete the previous memory. That is a disaster waiting to happen. However, if you’re clear that you’ve taken all the precautions to keep that video only between you and your partner, and despite that the leak has happened, you need to do some straight talking with your love. Emotions aside, it’s important to know if there’s been a breach of trust and privacy.
Immediate denial
Celebrities around the world say it all the time: “It wasn’t me!” From blaming Photoshop to relying on the famed folklore of there being seven people around the world who look alike, you have a whole array of excuses to pin this on. If you think there’s a very slim chance of your parents stumbling upon this video and you feel it’s better to not unnecessarily inflict this embarrassment on them, you could just remain mum. Should they discover it anyway and you feel they’ll buy your version, just bear in mind that the odds of two people being Photoshopped are low. Even if you’re a celebrity.
Admit to it confidently
If perpetuating a lie does not sit well with your conscience and you’d prefer to just grab the situation by its horns, then by all means admit to being the one in the video. You may be exceptionally proud of your prowess but while talking to your family about the video you might want to go easy on the back-patting. No pun intended. This strategy will work depending on your assessment of the person’s ability to handle this as well. Don’t go about brashly admitting to it to people who are already seething or deeply disappointed in you.