For those who complain about formal wear in office, this might suprise — employees at a publishing house in California, stripped down and worked without any clothes on for an entire month.
In an article which has been grabbing headlines, the workers at Bold Italic deep dived into the issue and wondered if it is really the physical layout of the office that impacted openness and comfort with their co-workerss and inspired motivation to work, or the comfort with their own bodies and being in your “natural” surroundings, like home, impacted productivity and efficiency?
The article talks about how initially things were awkwards but from day three, “it all seemed so incredibly normal, and the benefits were astounding — everything the open-office trend promised and more. We instantly shared a gleeful camaraderie; a deep and trusting bond permeated every meeting.”
According to reports, there has been a similar social experiment in the past where employees were asked to come naked to work for a day, and it helped their morale.
While this might be a good idea when the mercury is soaring during summer, we advice do not suggest this to your boss!