Passers-by in an up-market part of London were bemused when they saw a 205mph Ferrari wrapped in velvet. The ‘Furrari’ 599 was spotted parked on Sloane Street with its unique bodywork made of the luxury material.
The £150,000 motor, seen parked on single yellow lines, has been customised with a layer of velvet-type material covering all the bodywork – at a cost estimated to be in the region of £5,000.
Money to burn: The incredible velvet-covered Ferrari spotted in central London
An onlooker said: ‘People who have enough money to be able to afford a Ferrari shouldn’t be allowed to cover it in velvet. ‘It’s tacky – it reminded me of the dog van from Dumb and Dumber. It just goes to show that money can’t buy taste.
‘Perhaps unsurprisingly, the left-hand drive car has a personalised number-plate, but only on the back. Under UK law, cars must have plates on the front and rear of the vehicle.
The Ferrari 599 is fitted with a 6-litre V12 engine which gives it a 0-62mph time of just 3.7 seconds and a top speed of 205mph. Celebrity 599 owners have included Frank Lampard, Cristiano Ronaldo and Tamara Ecclestone.
Only 599 of the model were ever produced. Of these, approximately 125 went to the United States.

Last month a velvet-wrapped Porsche Panamera turbo was spotted on the streets of London. It’s the first of its kind in the country, and the handiwork of car-wrap firm Raccoon, which charged £2,500 for the design.
The car came to the attention of the world when former Apprentice contestant James Lester spotted the Panamera outside his estate agents in Fulham, west London. Photos of the car, belonging to a mystery owner who lives in East Grinstead, West Sussex, quickly went viral on Twitter with many wondering why someone would want to ruin a £60-100k Porsche.
The velvet car, spotted in London and Sussex, became an instant hit on Twitter. Car-wrap firm Raccoon supplied the £2,500 wrap to mystery owner and say this is the first car in the country to have it. Named the Velvet Elite 9100, the wrap is available for all vehicle types, and is available in a range of colours, including fuchsia pink and orange
Richard Dorman, 25, who lives in East Grinstead, said he had seen the Porsche several times. ‘It looks like a furry mouse whizzing about the place – it’s an eyesore really,’ he said. ‘Every time I see it now I look away as I can’t believe that such a lovely car has been ruined.’
Named the Velvet Elite 9100, the wrap is available for all vehicle types in a range of colours, including fuchsia pink and orange. It is coated with special adhesives and durable textile fibers to withstand severe weather condition.
The material will last roughly three years and, if the owner has a change of heart, the wrap can be removed by professionals restoring the car to a just off the production line state. The car only came to the attention of the world when former Apprentice contestant James Lester spotted the Panamera outside his estate agents in Fulham, west London.