Mangalore/Bangalore, May 07: It has been reported that in spite of catching age, 85 people from the state have managed to clear their SSLC exams at the age of 40+years of age only due to their sheer determination and dedication.
Sources said 85 candidates (9.96%) who were above 40 years of age out of 853(674 registered privately, 179 were repeaters) candidates appeared for the SSLC exam as private and repeaters could manage to clear the exam.
According to R Devakumari,headmistress at Smt.Mehras High school in Frazer Town,Jamuna G,one of the eldest and an employee of State bank of India, is a hard and enduring lady, who was so determined that she wanted to clear the SSLC even if she attained 80 years. She registered as a private candidate and scored 40.8%.
As per the statement of Satyanarayana,Head master, Corporation High school,Malleshwaram said that Mahadeshwara,aged 55 is an another employee of State bank of Mysore had failed many times earlier than this attempt and scored 39.2%.
Doddakempaiah K, aged 48 from Government High School in Kodigenahalli, Yelahanka Hobli, cleared with 37.44% and Sadananda, aged 46 from Baby Mirror High school, Vivek Nagar, cleared his exam with 39.04 %
They are really to be complimented and deserve a special word of appreciation for their perseverance to take the exam at their advancing age and clear the exam. Here what matters is their dedication and efforts/determination, said Primary and secondary education secretary G.KUMAR Naik.