Mangalore, May 08: With the announcement of much awaited state assembly election results, it is now confirmed that BJP has completely been routed out in coastal region and paved the way for congress to bounce back.”Vinashe Kaale, Vipareetha Budhi”.
It is the clear sign of frustration of the people on BJP’s misrule and had they ruled at least for five years without any spot, nobody could have shaken the BJP in the coastal region. But now BJP have to repent for what they done during the past five years of their rule. They have already missed the bus.”Ketta Mele Budhi, Satha Mele Dhukka”.
People of Karnataka have accomplished their mission of bringing change in the government, for which they were longing ever since BJP lost his prominence in the state due to their internal fighting, mining scam, poronogate etc.But now it is very difficult to bring back the past glory of BJP and has to keep licking their own wounds.”Maadidhannu Unno Maharaya”
Hope, now congress will fulfill the mandates made in their manifestos and delivers a clean, transparent, corruption free government with pro-people developmental works. Now at least people below poverty line (BPL) can expect 30Kgs of rice @Rs.1/kg- along with other pro-people welfare schemes as promised by Janardhan Poojary-Congress leader and former union minister
Now jubilant party workers of winning candidates/parties are engaged in celebrating the occasion of their candidate’s victory in different ways at each nook and corner of the city. Winning candidates are being taken in procession in open vehicles along with fireworks, beating of drums, dance and singing.
Congress registered a massive victory in seven of the dakshina Kannada constituencies along with udipi and Byndoor,Kundapur to Independent Halady andKarkala and Sullia gone to BJP respectively. This is the mandate given by the people of coastal belt for change in government, thus congress registered a clean sweep.
Here is the final tally of the election result:
D.K.Constituency winning candidate list:
Constituency Candidate Party Results
Mangalore south J.R.Lobo Congress wins (votes-67,628)
Mangalore North B.A.Mohiuddin Bava Congress Win (votes-60871)
Moodbidri K.Abhayachandra Congress Win (votes- 52880)
Mangalore-Ullala U T Khader Congress Win (Votes-69450)
Puttur Shakuntala Shetty Congress Win (votes-66345)
Bantwal B.Ramanatha Rai Congress Win (votes-81345)
Sullia S.Angara BJP Win (votes-65913)
Belthangadi K.Vasantha Bangera Congress Win (votes-74530)
Karkala Sunil Kumar BJP Win (votes-64,648)
Byndoor Gopal Poojary Congress Win (votes- 82277)
Kundapur Srinivasa S Halady Independent Win (votes-80,563)
Kaup Vinaya Kumar Sorake Congress Win (votes-52782)
Udipi Pramodh Madhwaraj Congress Win (votes-86868)