Kundapur, October 2: The capitalists are spreading a false propaganda that the world is improving. But in this world, people who die of hunger are increasing. The capitalist government has paved a way to loot the corporate companies in the nation and the world, the relaxation in the tax for the tycoons and public institutes. Due to this, all over the globe and the nation, the number of millioner’s are hiking. It has gone into such a manner, that-Capitalistic development means, investing funds to collect atomic weapons to wage a war against another country. But the employees are deprived of the proper benefits for their work and social security.
The important policy adopted by the Capitalistic government is to get the work done on contract basis or part-time. The employees are exploited because of this. Our central government has bowed to amend the rules which benefit the owners against the employee’s law, forced by the entrepreneurs of our country who have their Capitals in World Bank. Due to this 90% of the employees are endangered against the law. Due to this rule the unemployment is going to hike. Hence against the employment and against the government of the capitalistic country, the World Federation Trade Union (WFTU) has called on for a protest, said the CITU associations taluk president H. Narashimha. He was addressing the gathering, at protest rally at Kundapur organised under the leadership of the Center of Indian trade unions (CITU) taluk committee Kundapur,against the unemployment at World Expedition Day.
The district president of the CITU K.Shankar spoke and said, Unemployment is becoming a serious problem over the globe. The number of the unemployed is increasing even in developed countries. The fewest benefits which are available for the unemployed are being bereaved by the partial-governments. The benefits of the unemployed are governed only in the Socialist country. The central government has come forward to weaken the important project in our country which is the employment scheme. The Modi government has indicated to deny the paid holidays available for the employees. Hence all the employee unions all together have to intensify the protest.
During this protest, nearly 150 employees had participated. Post which a Unemployment scare crow was burnt out. The General Secretary of CITU, Suresh Kallagara welcomed the gathering and spoke occasionally. The leader of Employee’s union Rajesh Vaderahobali, SFI leader Akshay Vaderahobali were present.