
Lingayat Seer Mathe Mahadevi insists females to wear decent dresses.

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mate mahadevi

Dharwad, October 14: The first female seer of a South Indian Lingayat community, Mathe Mahadevi, has supported to legalise prostitution to in order to check the sex crimes on children and women.

Speaking to the media on Monday she said, there is a drastic increase in rape cases during the recent years. There are also demands to legalise prostitution. A committee is also formed by the government to look into the matter. It is time it legalise prostitution, she said.

Mahadevi criticised females who wear indecent clothes. She said they were drawing attention and danger by doing so and were becoming soft targets of perverts and sex criminals.

She said, women need to understand the rich tradition of India and wear clothes that reflect their customs. Parents ought not to allow their daughters to stroll out by late evenings.

Mahadevi said it was “unfortunate” that sexual allegations were being made out against Raghaveshwara Bharathi, the seer of Ramachandrapura Mutt. A detailed inquiry by a State-level agency could unravel the truth.If the charges against the seer are found to be true, he should immediately step down, she demanded.

Mahadevi said, the statements of the alleged rape victim have aroused suspicions.

She said, some women misuse the laws. The matter ought to be thoroughly investigsated by the investigation committee and the fraud should be punished.


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