Mangaluru, December 15: The high court on Monday December 15th has given green signal to restart “Kambala” which is a traditional sport of the twin coastal districts.
The court has stated in its order that there is no problem in organizing Kambalas as long as there is no violence against the animals. It has also directed the taluk administration to be present during Kambalas to monitor the animal sport to make sure that it is held without any violence.
Kambala fans all over the twin districts have begun brisk preparations to organise Kambala as soon as possible, since no Kambala was held this season except the symbolic ones to observe vows.
Kambala was stopped based on the Supreme Court order related to the violent game of Jalikkatu observed in Tamil Nadu. Due to the confusion in the animal husbandry department regarding the interpretation of the order, it was linked to Kambala. Hence, the district administration received orders from the animal husbandry department to ban Kambala.
Kambala committees of twin district had moved to the high court requesting to grant permission to resume the traditional sport.