Mangalore, June 24: Speaking to the media personnel during his visit to Manjeshwara on June 23, Sunday, Dr Moily referred to the recent gang rape of a medical student of Manipal University and said that all efforts must be made to ensure the protection of sanctity of an educational hub.
Besides he has also stressed the need to monitor the growing menace of drug and alcoholism in and around college campuses.
Expressing his confidence on the state government and home ministry, Dr Moily said that situation would be effectively handled and judicial system of the country cannot be derailed by anybody or any political party and result of the probe will be very clear and impartial and promised that justice will definitely be provided to the rape victim and her family by awarding stringent punishment to the culprits, he added.
On this occasion Dr Moily also said no effort should be made to shield the culprits in such cases. Referring to the fluctuating oil prices, Moily said though the oil prices has been reduced during times during his tenure, the fluctuation continues as a result of rupee devaluation.