
Corporation Bank has achieved 204.26 net profit in first quarter: S R Bansal

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Mangaluru, August 08: The Corporation bank in its first quarter has achieved a net profit of Rs 204.26 crores in its first quarter, informed Chairman & Managing Director of Corporation Bank S R Bansal.

S R Bansal, addressed the Press Meet on Friday August 07th, at Bank’s Corporate Office in Mangaluru on the occasion of announcement of Un-Audited Financial Results for the quarter ended on June 30th -2015.

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Bansal said, although the bank by end  of June -2015 in the first quarter has achieved a net profit of Rs. 204.26 crore, comparative to the previous year, there is a decline of  Rs 11.75 crore in the net profit.  The bank, by the end of the first quarter has dealt with financial transactions of Rs 332.427 crore. With this, compared to the last year, there is 1.97percent rise in the financial transactions. Savings account deposit in the end of first quarter has rised from Rs 23,847 to Rs 26,321. Rs 140,325 crores have been given on loan. Bank deposits has raised to Rs 192,102 crores, informed Bansal.

Bank shares value has raised to Rs 127.60. Over the past three months, the bank has opened 50 new ATM’s across the country. With this the number of ATM’s of Corporation Bank has raised to 2,983. The information about the account through the SMS facility is provided to 21 lakhs customers. Through the Pradhan  Manthri Jan Dhan Yojana, 22,99,720 accounts has been opened in the Corporation bank in 2, 291 villages across the country. From these accounts, Rs 535.78 crores  has been deposited, informed Bansal.

Bank is always ready to provide financial assistance to the farmers:

The bank is always ready to provide loans to the farmers for the agricultural purposes or in case the farmers has taken loans from the private loan lenders, informed bank’s executive director B K Srivastav.

B K Srivastav, Executive Director and R Natarajan, General Manager was also present along with others on this occasion.

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