Mangaluru, August 13: The much awaited Tulu comedy film ‘Super Marmaye’ produced under the banner of Anand Films and presented by Adyar Madhav Nayak, produced and directed by Ram Shetty will hit the silver screens across coastal districts of Karnataka on Friday August 14th, informed renowned stunt master of Bollywood Ram Shetty- director of the film.
Addressing a press meet here on Wednesday August 12th, he informed that the film will be released simultaneously ten theatres such as in Jyothi, Big Cinemas, Cinepolis and PVR theatres in Mangaluru, Kalpana in Udupi, Amarashree in Moodbidri, Radhika in Karkala, Arun in Puttur, Bharath in Beltanagady and Nakshatra at BC Road. The film aims to entertain the audience through comedy, Ram Shetty said.
As it clear that the people of Tulunadu like comedies, we have prepared this completely comedy movie. Internal clashes taking place in all houses are taken as topic and are given a comedy touch.
This movie is presented by Adyar Madava Nayak and Eugene D’Souza is the cinematographer. Madan Harini is the choreographer and Chandrakanth Shetty has directed the music. Shashiraj Kavoor has written lyrics for the songs in the movie and Naveen Shetty has written the dialogues. Sachin Shetty is the assistant director of the film, he added.
Veteran actors like Gopinath Bhat, Naveen D Padil, Bojaraj Vamanjoor, Aravind Bolar, Ragavendra Rai, Divyashree, Shradha Salian and others have played different roles in the movie.
In this movie presented by Adyar Madhava Nayak, most of the Tulu artists have acted in the film.
In the press meet, Adyar Madhava Nayak, Gopinath Bhat, Aravinda Bolar, Meenanatha Raghavendra Rai, actress Divyashree among others were present.