Mangaluru, December 16: A man ended his life by hanging at Kodakkal, Padil here on the night of Tuesday December 15th. The incident came to light on Wednesday December 16th. It is alleged that he committed suicide due to financial crisis.
The deceased person is Chandrahas Shetty (36), resident of Kodakkal Shivanagar, Padil here.
Chandrahas Shetty was working as a pigmy collector with Mangala Cooperative Society Bank.
As per sources, it is learnt, several people owed money to Chandrahas and he in turn had borrowed loans amounting to several lakhs. Unable to return his debts he took the extreme step, said the sources.
Sources said, on Tuesday evening, Chandrahas had met some of his friends and he appeared to be normal. But even till late night when he did not return home, a search was conducted. His body was found hanging from a rod in an commercial building at Kodakkal.
It is gathered that Chandrahas was the sole breadwinner of the family. He is survived by his mother and two sisters who are married.
A case has been registered by Mangaluru rural police.