Udipi; August 10: Whether it is true or not, we have been hearing some loose talks about the system which is not conducive to the life style of Indian culture.
Every year on June 5th will be observed as world environment day. In connection with environment, in 1972 a conference was held btween June o5th to 16th and in memory of the conference it was decided to observe June 5th as an environmental day and which was implemented effectively from 1973. In 1970,April 22 ‘Earth day’ was started and in the first week of July Vanamahotsava is being celebrated and this was started in 1950,when K M Munshi was the union minister.In spite of all these activities, establishment of the departments, the fate of the environmental is dwindling
Festivals of the year will start from the day of Nagarapanchami along with the beginning of the environmental day according to Bharatiya life style, which most of the people unaware.
On August 11th, Nagarapanchami day, cobra will be worshipped. Now a days celebration has become more important,fashion,show than protection of environment. For example if you visit Nagabana in the evening of Nagarapanchami day celebrations or on the following day of the celebrations, how many plastic bags, plastic containers, plastic sachets were being thrown in and around the Nagabhana one can see .Now it has become a fashion to bring everything in plastic container, bags and sachets even at the cost of environment pollution.
On Nagarapanchami Day cobras are being worshiped by applying the turmeric powder packed in plastic packets, lighting the lamp with oil packed in plastic packets,rice,tender coconut water etc are being brought in plastic bags and worshiping under the impression that we have been blessed by doing so and accomplished our mission leaving all the wastage in and around the Nagabhana,which in turn pollute the atmosphere. Instead of using plastic containers which is harmful to the environment, we can find some other alternatives such as paper, glass, earthen containers, jute bags etc, which are pro-environmental.
Now days we can hardly see original Naghabhanas with creepers, trees and bushes instead those have been replaced with modern cement and asbestos including the seats of cobras.
By avoiding all these, why can’t we observe Nagarapanchami Day as an environmental day, Vanamahotsava or Bhoodhina?
According to Hindu tradition generally 4 quintals of wood is needed to cremate the person. People must know whether they grow the trees equivalent to the trees required for his/her cremations regardless of their body weight. In the lust, greed of money, even small plants, flower plants are being cut indiscriminately without thinking about the future generation.
Desire for money has made room within us. Whatever the money you amass, one day it will not have any value for that instead if grow some trees, plants it will save at least environment, even if you can’t grow them, don’t make an efforts to cut.
Don’t pollute the environment by throwing plastic containers, bags and other waste, garbage and keep your environment clean and let us all observe’Nagapanchami’day as an environmental day. Don’t celebrate any festival just for show or name sake or exageration, celebrate the festival with devotion and without polluting the environment.