MANGALORE: The Sullia police on Wednesday filed cases against 15 students in connection with a ragging incident at KVG Polytechnic at Sullia, about 85km from here, after a student was allegedly assaulted by his seniors on Tuesday night.
The victim has been identified as Prithvin (18), a resident of Mysore.
Police said about 15 students had come to his hostel room late on Tuesday night at around 11pm and had asked him to get drinking water to their room. When the victim refused, the seniors allegedly slapped him hard on his face and the victim in his complaint stated that his jaw hurt badly after the assault.
The police have booked cases under sections 143, 147, 325 read with 149 under the Karnataka Education Act of 1983 against Pavan, Ganesh, Kaushik, Karthik, Sachin and others. Police said even the accused were from Mysore and Madikeri.
Cases of unlawful assembly and assault have been filed against them. They police had summoned the accused to the station and were questioning them late on Wednesday night. The victim brought this incident to the notice of the principal on Wednesday morning and as per the advice given to him, Prithvin filed the complaint at the Sullia police station. Police said the victim’s parents have arrived to Sullia. They accused have not been arrested as yet.