
Technological education is necessary in the present society: L. K. Atheek

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Ullala, August 25: In the present situation, human value contains technical education is necessary. In the technological field more researches must be done and on this regard research students research should be helpful to common people to make the work easy, said Washington World Bank’s senior advisor L.K. Atheek.

He was speaking after inaugurating the BIT technological university at Innoli on Saturday, he said that there are more competition in every field and students must do hard work to create the future and on this regard technological education helps everyone to get good opportunities’, he said.

In the presidential address BIT institution president Saiyyad Muhammad Beary said that after degree BIT students must give their contribution in every field and improve their skill.

UAE Bearys cultural forum president Yusuf, Secretary Dr. Kaapu Muhammad, College principal Dr.S.A. Khan, Trustee Mazar Beary and education institution senior advisor Dr. S.K Raikar were the chief guests of the programme.

By: Sathish Kapikad

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