Mangalore, Aug 26: Condemning the murder of Narendra Dabolkar PUCL, SFI, DYFI and other organizations activists staged a protest in front of Deputy Commissioner Office on Monday, August 26.
Nationalist Narendra Nayak said that Narendra Dhaboalkar was a rationalist and he turned to be a revolutionary thinker through his mother’s influence. ‘Though he had threat, he was moving without the security. Dhabolkar is inspiration to everyone and if we follow the way of his life and ideology we can build a Dhabolkar in us. Hence, everyone must work hard to wipe-out the blind beliefs from our nation’, he said.
P B D’Sa said that though we are independent after so many years, we have been ruled by criminals. Many numbers of criminals are there in our parliament and if these continue in our country our nation won’t be developed. Youth must move forward to put control on this; otherwise underworld will try to rule us, instead of good, he said.
Leaders Suresh Bhat Bhakrabail,Muneer Katipalla, Dayanand Shetty and others were present.
By: sathish kapikad