Mangalore, Sep 25: In the occasion of the celebration of Pandith Deen Dayal’s birthday, with the guidance of the president Ravishankar Mijar distributed fruits to the old age people of Giridhar Rao old age home on behalf of the south zone unit of BJP, a team, on 25th September.
Local corporaters Rajenra Kumar, Sudhir Shetty Kannur, D. Vedavyas Kamath, MCC corporaters Poornima, Jayanthi H Achar, Naveen Chandra, Surendra J, Premananda Shetty, Nithin Kumar, Shreenivas Shet, Praveen Anchan, Prabhamalini, Indira, secretary Jagadish Shetty, Shakunthala, Umanath Shettigar, Gurucharan were participated.