
Udupi: Conservation of Udupi ‘Mallige’-Dr.Jayalaxmi Narayana Hegade

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Udupi; Oct 08: One of the commercial flower crops, which spreads a sweet fragrance is Udupi Mallige. This is being grown abundantly in Udupi and Dakshina Kannada districts. Farmers from Udupi and Dakshina Kannada after separating the buds, they make ‘Chendu’ and sent to local markets and Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmadabad and Saudi Arabia by flight. This has become benefaction to the small scale land-owners of coastal region. It is important to grow properly in coastal region as the demand and value for Udupi Mallige is more. If we control the frequent menace of insects and diseases on timely basis, we can prevent downward trend of the yields.


Insects, which commonly observed in Udupi Mallige:-

White flies:-These flies suck the juice from under the leaves. Due to this, growth of the plants will be dwindled. Since these insects secrets sweet liquid on the leaves, black boost will grow on the leaves. This will in turn impede the process of photosynthesis and become the reason for lesser yield.

How to control:-The moment, we observe the insects trouble, take 2.1 milli litre of Axidemeton,methyl 25 EC or Melathian 50 EC or 1.75 milli litre Dimethoate and 3 grams water  soluble sulphur and  by mixing with each liter of water and then spray on the plants.


Leaf and bud eating worm:-Green baby worms by folding tender leaves, will eat green part of the leaves. Sometimes it eats buds by weaving together.

Method of controlling:- Add 2 milli litre chloropyrifas or 1.1.milli litre monochrotopas in 36 S.L insecticide  and mix with every one litre of water and then to be sprayed.


Red insects:- These insects will stick on the grown trunk of the plants. By sucking the juice of the plant, growth of the plant will be lessened. The effect of this can be seen either before the start of the monsoon or after the monsoon.

Method of control:-In every one litre  of water, add 2 milli litre of melathian 50 Ec and 3 grams water soluble sulphur and by mixing together, spray the mixture on the affected plants.


Most common diseases of Udupi Mallige:-

Spot on leaf disease: (Ele chukke disease) ;This disease will be observed, when difference in temperature and more moisture in the  atmosphere. In the beginning, small small spots on the leaves are observed. When this disease intensifies, the spots after becoming big, will get dissolved and forms mole, leaves will become dry and start falling. This spots is white in the centre and black or brown around the leaves.

Method of control:-The places where were growing plants, should be kept clean. For the control, in one litre of water add one gram of carbendegm or 3 Gms of copper axichloride mix together and spray the affected areas of the plant.

Wear out disease: This is soil born disease. In moisture area, these diseases are observed. Main symptoms of diseases are leaves turning yellow colour in the beginning, when it intensifies, leaves will start falling. Thereafter the plants will become dry and then die. When we cut the trunk and root of the effected plant and see, brown colored mole can be seen.

Control:-Ensure that, complete water is dried up.At the bottom of affected plant put one gram Carbendegim mushroom insecticide mixed with one litre of water and put each plants parts 2-5 litres. If we put, 2kgs of neem fodder and 50 grams tricoderma to every plants, disesase can be controlled.

Special instruction to farmers:-Every year plant should be cleaned. By cutting the trunk, branches of affected plants, ensure proper light, air for the plants. Always keep cutting the extra branches.

We have o take more care while safeguarding the Mallige plants. We should not allow the water to stay at the bottom of the plants. It is better to put neem fodder for the plant.

For more information:

Dr.Jayalaxmi Narayana Hegade

Programme convener, Krishi Vijnana Kendra, Brahmavar

Mobile No.9449866939

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