Mangalore; Oct 22: Addressing the media persons after launching the Rs 3-crore road and drainage work in Kodialbail ward No.30 recently, J.R.Lobo, MLA Mangalore City South said that Kadri-Nanthoor Road, Bunts Hostel Ambedkar Circle Road, Lady Hill Circle-Bokkapatna Road, Mannagudda-Bokkapatna Road and car street junction-Mannagudde Road (Kulur Ferry Road) would be concreted and made four-lane roads in the coming months. Besides the Sturrock road between Attavar Katte and Falnir road will be widened.
He also said that besides addressing the issue of cutting the trees for the developmental works, to which citizens have objected, widening and concreting of Kankanady-Morgan’s Gate Road being considered on priority basis. By planting the saplings, the trees felled would be compensated.
Mr. Lobo former commissioner of MCC has asked the corporation to prepare a technical model of the bus stand and financial model on how to fund the proposed project of bus stand at pumpwel, which is still alive in our agenda and not given up.
He further said that proposed bus stand require 12 acres of land but the corporation is having 8 acres of land in possession at the moment and four more acres should be acquired for the purpose.
Answering the question posed by the media personnel with regard to objection raised by NHA for the construction of bus stand close to NH66,as the highway was being widened to have a design speed between 80 KM and 100 km per hour, Lobo said nothing was impossible in this modern technical era and there would be solutions to the concerns raised by the NHAI.An underpass could be constructed to the bus stand site from the Karnataka Bank headquarters’ side using the box pushing technology even after four –lane highway was ready.
The projects, which were launched recently in Kodialbail ward includes concreting Bharati Nagar main road with 320 m in length and 3.5 m in width with estimated cost of Rs 20 lakh, tarring of 620 m long Kodialguttu west road with the cost of Rs 75 lakh, concreting 140 m long Bejai cross Road at the cost of Rs 10 lakh, second stage of Bejai market construction at the cost of 1.40 crore and storm water drainage at the cost of 28 lakh.