Mangalore, April 6: Veteran Tulu personalities like Devdas Kapikad, Vijaya Kumar, Kodialbail and Rajendra Kumar-Chairman, SCDCC have released an Audio CD of forthcoming kannada movie ‘Chella Pilla’ on Friday 5 at Cinepolis, City Centre Mall. On the dais, Keerthan Shetty-Mangalore head, Cinepolis, Naveen D Padil, Aravinda Bolar, Santhosh Shetty, Sudhesh Bhandary and Sai Krishna were present. Sai Krishna-Director of the movie has been appreciated and lauded for his efforts by all the distinguished guests present on the dais. All the guests collectively supported Sai Kumar’s efforts and wished him all the success. This movie under the banner Shinecity Productions has been produced by Sudhesh Bhandary.The star casts have been selected from well known kannada and Tulu actors including Vijaya Raghavendra,Aishwarya Nag,M.S.Umesh,Shobraj,naveen D Padil,Aravind Bolar,Bhojraj Vamanjoor,Shivamanju,Santhosh shetty,Thimmappa Kulal,Satish Bandale,Ashok Shetty,Ambalamogaru,Sudhir Kottary,Agnel,Sarojini Shetty,Sujatha Mudradi and Baby Saptha. Mikku Kavil has directed four songs and has been sung by well known singers Jessy Gift, Karthik, Malathi, Shamitha Malnad, Anuradha Bhat, Nakul Abhyankar and others. Sai Krishna welcomed the gathering and Sudhesh Bhandary proposed the vote of thanks. The programme was anchored by Niranjana salian. Photo Source: Satish Kapikad |