Kasargod, Nov, 28: The director of the Shri Kshetra Dharmasthala rural development project D. Sampath Kumar hand over the Rs. 5 lac donation to the centenary committee treasurer of Nirchalu Mahajana Samskrita College and High School Pro. Kanathil Mahalinga Bhat.
Sampath Kumar said that Shri Kshetra Dharmasthala involved itself with social development. The rural development project was widening its scheme all over. From last one and half year its working in Kasargod also. So to help the Mahajana college which gave lots of tribute to the society by providing scholars, educationalists and Sanskrit pundits to the society, the rural development project gave the money for the centenary celebration of the college he said.
The vice president of Badiyadka gram panchayat K.N. Krishna Bhat presided over the function. Retired head teacher B.M. Subraya Bhat, Padiyappu Shankara Bhat, Manjunath Manya, Sowmya Mahesh Nidugala, The officer of SDM rural development project CHidananda, convener Jayashri were present.
Project officer Sandya convey the key note address. The secretary of the centenary committee Jayadeva Khandige welcomed. The teacher of the school U.Ravikrishna proposed vote of thanks. H. Shivakumar hosts the program.