
Udupi: Creation of harmony through mentality of sacrifice & Service; all religion Christmas celebration by Udupi diocese

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Udupi; Dec 07: Christmas is a celebration of love, peace and tranquility. In order to scintillate, sparkle everywhere the mentality of sacrifice and service has to be cultivated, said Bishop of Udupi diocese Dr Gerald Issac Lobo.

In order to create harmony in the society, the Udupi diocese in association with Catholic sabha unit of Mother of Sorrows church organized an all-religion Christmas celebration on Dec 06, Friday that attracted leaders from different communities on a single platform.

Dr.Gerald Issac Lobo has presided over the programme.The chief guest like Dr.Rateesh Johnson, director of SCI Lombard Memorial Hospital, Dr.Gananatha Yekkar, head of Kannada Post graduate studies department, Tenkanidiyoor Government College, Dr.Mohammed Rafique, administrative director of Tonse health centre and Fr.Fred Mascarehnas, parish priest of Mother of Sorrows church were present.

Dr.Gananatha Yekkar while congratulating the organizers on conducting such a meaningful programme said that when we understand the root value of any religion then we will start to love each other. Understanding values is most important of all. Besides he also said that all religions are build on the values of peace, brotherhood, love and humanity. Real celebration is when we understand these values, he added

Dr.Rafique said in his address that ‘if we respect each other’s feeling then there will be love, faith and harmony in the society. Most of the Indian population needs help in many ways. Most importantly, they require love and care.

Bishop of udupi inaugurated the programme by switching on the light and cut the Christmas cake along with other dignitaries on the dais.

CSI Lombard memorial hospital director Dr.Ratheesh Johnson, Lesley Carnaliyo,president,catholic Sabah Udupi unit, Boney Phas D’souza,Budan Basha,Nityananda Volakadu,Edwin Alva,Dr.Ramananda Sooda,Walter Martis and among others were present.

Rev.Fr Fred Mascarehnas welcomed the gathering, Alphonso D’Costa, convener of Sauhardha samiti proposed the vote of thanks and Fr.Dennis D’Sa compered the programme

Earlier Christmas carols were sung by the choir members and Christmas cultural activities were organized by Mangalore white Doves team.


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