Udupi; Jan 01: Participating in the conference organized jointly by Udupi user’s platform and consumer’s data centre in connection with confusion created over the Aadhar card, on Dec 31, Tuesday in Udupi Board High school’s Janatha Bhavan, Deepak Rai, Deputy General Manager of Indian Oil company informed in his address that in future the gas subsidy will be given only to the people, who are economically backward. In this regard, union government is implementing the system for the direct transfer of money. It is a lot easier by Aadhar card, he said.
In order to prevent abuse, mis-usage of the gas subsidy and to reduce the loss of revenue to the exchequer, the central government has set up a task force. According to the guidance given by the task force, three phases of programme will be implemented. In the first phase, the limit of supply of gas cylinders was limited to 9 cylinders. Due to this, the burden of subsidy was reduced to certain extent. In the second phase, subsidy will be paid directly to the customer’s account.
This requires the implementation of a system. That is why, Aadhar card programme is being implemented. In the third phase, the subsidy will be given only to only to economically backward people and subsidy money will directly come only to the account of eligible people. Remaining people’s subsidy money will be suspended. Ineligible people have to pay the full money for the purchase of Gas cylinder. In order to implement this system, Aadhar Card will helps a lot, he said
Direct transfer of subsidy money system in 250 districts of the country was being implemented in installments. So far 12 districts in Karnataka, the system has been launched and effective from Jan 01, this system will be implemented in 13 districts including Dakshina Kannada, he informed
M.S.Joshi, Indian Oil Company’s official, Company’s Agency Dinesh Puthran, Board College principal Ramesh were present.Janardhana Bhandarkar, Dileep Kanchan, S.S.Tonse and among others were participated in the discussion.
Damodhar Aithal, convener of the vedhike delivered an introductory speech.U.Ramesh Poojary welcomed the gathering.H.Shantharaja Aithal, launched the discussion.A.P.Kodenja, briefly approved the meeting’s report.U.Vadirajacharya proposed a vote of thanks.Laxmibhai compered the programme.
Udupi: Deadline date up Jan 31
Earlier in Udupi district, December 31 was given as the deadline date to obtain Aadhar Card for the direct money transfer,. But in the wake of 50% of the people have still not received the Aadhar card, the last date for the same has been extended to January 31, as informed by Dileep Rai.
By March, on-line booking:
In view of solving the problem of consumers, on-line bokking is likely to take place by the end of March, 2014, Dileep Rai informed.
No compulsion of booking only by phone.Those,who do not have the phone facility, booking can also be done by calling telephone kept exclusively for the purpose in agency office, he informed.