Bengaluru: Actress Mythriya Gowda on Wednesday filed an interim application before the family court seeking to restrain Mr Karthik Gowda, son of Railway Minister D.V. Sadananda Gowda, from marrying anyone till her case is disposed of.
She has also filed another application requesting the family court to declare her as Mr Karthik Gowda’s legal wife. The court posted the hearing to October 21 with the counsel pleading for more time as Mr Karthik Gowda was mourning the death of his grandmother, who died last week.
“Mr Gowda’s counsel is yet to file an objection and it has to be done before October 21, or the court may pass an order in our favour as this would be their final chance,” said Mr Akarsh Kanade, the advocate representing Ms Mythriya Gowda.