Bengaluru: An 18-month-old boy was attacked by four to five stray dogs in front of his house on Amrut Nagar Main Road in Anjanapura, JP Nagar, 9th Phase on Monday morning. The boy, identified as Kumaraswamy (Babloo), was brushing his teeth standing outside his house when the dogs attacked him. Babloo is the youngest of three children of Ramesh and Rajeshwari, who are from Anantapur in Andhra Pradesh and work as labourers. They have been living in the rented house for the last five years.
It was around 6.30 am when the dogs attacked Babloo. Some of his neighbours rushed out after they heard the screams of the little boy and chased away the dogs. But by then the strays had bitten the boy’s head, neck, hands and legs.
He was rushed to Siddalingaiah Memorial Hospital around 7 am where he was made to wait for three hours. “The child had class-3 dog bites, which required haemoglobin dosage with a vaccination. But he was not administered hemoglobin and was charged exorbitantly by the hospital. They billed the family for the ICU and showed in the bill that three consultants treated the boy, while only one duty doctor was present,” said Bangalore Urban District Health Officer (DHO) Dr Rajani.
The boy was later taken to Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) under the instructions of Health Minister U.T. Khader. Dr Rajani, who visited the boy at KIMS, said, “I am going to issue a notice against Siddalingaiah Hospital for charging and fooling people, who approach them during emergencies.” Dr Rajani has recovered the bill amount and refunded it to the parents.
She said, “When the parents went to KIMS, the doctors asked them to deposit Rs 5,000 for haemoglobin. As the parents were already anxious and had paid a large amount at the other hospital, they got into a tiff with the doctors. The BBMP will bear all the medical expenses.”
Dr Suresh, Medical Superintendent, KIMS, said that the child is out of danger and has been admitted to KC General Hospital in Malleswaram. “The boy had wounds on the scalp, the face and legs. The child is fine, well-oriented and is in a stable condition. We have treated the wounds and kept them open so that they can heal properly. The child will be kept here for another two to three days after which he will be discharged,” said Dr Lakshmipathi, paediatrician, KC General Hospital.