BENGALURU: Death note recovered from the school bag of the 14-year-old girl, who died following alleged kidnap and sexual assault in Tirthahalli recently, will be sent for forensic test in view of questions being raised about the document’s authenticity, Home Minister K.J. George has said.
He told presspersons here on Wednesday that the medical report from Manipal Hospital testified that the girl was not raped. The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) was probing the kidnapping angle of the incident and doing its best to solve the mystery,” he added.
Rejecting the Bharatiya Janata Party’s demand for a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe, Mr. George suggested that the principal Opposition party had to allow the CID to complete its investigation and submit the report, instead of obstructing the probe by organising bandhs and trouping in to streets.
“It is not possible to hand over every case to the CBI,” he added.