
No more free land for mutts, other institutions

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Bengaluru: The state cabinet on Saturday put in place guidelines for allotment of government land to any institution or mutt, thus putting a halt to free and indiscriminate doling out of government land to them.

The land allotment rules applies to those who seek land for education, religious activity, agriculture and non-agriculture activity, etc. “Now, we have clear guidelines about who to give the land and at what rate. What are the purposes for which land can be given?” said law and parliamentary affairs minister TB Jayachandra.

For instance, if a religious institution of someone from the SC/ST community requires land, it has to pay 25% of the guidance value and if the organization is from other communities, it’s 50% of guidance value.

Likwise, if an SC/ST organization wants land for education purpose, it has to pay 50% of guidance value, while it is 50% of market value for other communities. If the same land is required on lease, it’s 10% of guidance value for SC/STs and 10% of market value for others.
However, the transfer of land from one government department to another will be free. This is to cut delays and unnecessary squabbling between departments. The minister said to implement the policy, the government will amend various laws, including the Land Reforms Act and the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act.

Land Acquisition Act
Karnataka has become the first state to implement the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, the landmark legislation enacted by the UPA government last year. “Rules have been framed and we’re issuing the final notification,” said Jayachandra. The Act came into effect in January 2014.

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