BANGALORE: A group of concerned citizens in Yelehanka took up a lake cleaning campaign at the Puttenahalli lake on Thursday.
The Yelehanka Puttanahalli Lake and Bird Conservation Trust collected plastic around the water body and conducted a token clearing of weeds. A group of around 300 people, of which around 150 were students from Sheshadripuram First Grade College gathered for the campaign. The residents of Yelehanka New Town and Puttenhalli lake area also participated in large numbers.
Puttanahalli lake, a paradise for a wide variety of birds, is situated in North Bangalore. Until 2006, more than 126 bird species were recorded at this site. This included some endangered and migratory birds. After 2006, the bird population started dwindling thanks to the unchecked inflow of sewage and growth of invasive weeds. A sewage treatment plant set up is no more functional. Garbage is being dumped into the lake making things worse.
The Trust is now trying to gather enough support for a show of solidarity to all those concerned to fasten up the restoration process. The campaign on the independence day was the first in row.
“There is an urgent need to rejuvenate and preserve the area without altering the ecological structure. If properly developed and maintained, it can become an important site for education and research,” said K S Sangunni, a retired professor with IISc.