BANGALORE: The Karnataka high court has denied bail to a native of West Bengal, arrested on charges of possessing fake currency notes. Justice H N Nagamohan Das rejected the petition filed by one Sheikh Anisar alias Anisar , a 35- year old person and resident of Mouz Amarpur village, Murshidabad district in West Bengal even though the charge sheet has already been filed against him. “In the charge sheet , it is alleged that the petitioner was in possession of fake currency notes of Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 denomination, in all amounting to Rs 23,000.
The petitioner is a native of West Bengal. The reasoning given by the fast track court Judge in rejecting the bail is in accordance with law” the judge has observed. However, the judge has directed the trial court to expedite the trial and dispose off the case in four months time. The Sheshadripuram police had arrested Anisar and others early this year while in possession of fake currency notes. He has been arrayed as accused number one in the case under section 489-B and 489-C of Indian Penal Code (IPC).