BANGALORE: A 37-year-old homemaker allegedly attempted to immolate herself at the family court in Nyaya Degula Complex on H Siddaiah Road, near Lalbagh, on Monday afternoon. Lawyers and others on the spot prevented her in the nick of time.
KR Puram resident Shyla had been summoned by the court in the divorce petition filed by Dhanaraj, her husband of 17 years. The couple has two daughters. She had alleged, in an earlier complaint to KR Puram police, that he had been harassing her and mentally torturing her. Dhanaraj allegedly cast aspersions on her character.
Shyla is said to have missed a hearing and the court summoned her on Monday and slapped a fine of Rs 300.
According to eyewitnesses, a distraught Shyla came out of the court and doused herself with kerosene in a bid to set herself on fire. On hearing about the incident, a few women activists and lawyers rushed to the spot and took Shyla to the Wilson Garden police station, where she filed a case against Dhanaraj for harassing her.
Wilson Garden police said they didn’t register a case of suicide attempt. “A woman litigant created a ruckus outside a courtroom,” a police officer said.