Bangalore, December 1: A special team of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrived in the city from Hyderabad on Saturday to question Dr. Imran Ahmed who has been arrested on suspicion of being involved in a plot to eliminate prominent persons.
Officials said that the accused had been picked up from Kanakapura Road on Thursday. A senior officer said that the suspect was allegedly a member of the terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and may have been involved in its financial and logistics activities. They hope that his arrest will throw light on the activities of the outfit.
An official said that many people from Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, who joined the terror outfit, were found to have travelled to Saudi Arabia to set up local units to carry out terror attacks in India.
According to sources, one such person is Farhatullah Ghori, a native of Hyderabad who is wanted in the 2002 attack on the Akshardham temple in Gujarat. He is based in Pakistan and was in regular contact with the outfit for carrying out terror activities. Other names include Shahid Bilal, his brother Abdul Majeed, Abu Hamza (from Hyderabad) and Siddique Bin Osman, who is wanted by the Hyderabad police, sources said.