In the affidavit filed by Deputy Chief Minister and BJP candidate from Shimoga constituency, KS Eshwarappa during filing of nomination papers, the Bharatiya Janata Party leader has declared that his total assets are worth Rs 4,80,72,833, including movable and immovable properties.
According to the affidavit, KS Eshwarappa has declared that his movable properties are worth Rs 1,58,22,833 (including Rs 40,06,629 bank deposits, gold and silver ornaments worth Rs 6.5 lakh and Rs 50,000 cash).
His wife Jayalakshmi has movable assets worth Rs 1,84,96,128. Eshwarappa has Rs 1,09,16,210 in the form of insurance bonds. Interestingly, he does not own any vehicles in his name.
He also has a loan of Rs 74,41,073 from various sources.
His immovable properties are worth Rs 3,22,50,00, including 1.31 acre land worth Rs 4,53,000 at Nidige village in Shimoga taluk.
The Deputy Chief Minister and former state president of the BJP also owns a non-agricultural land and commercial buildings, including apartments in Shimoga and the present market value of which is Rs 67,50,000 and Rs 2,45,00,000 respectively.
KS Eshwarappa’s declared affidavit also mentions that he faces facing four criminal cases and has a private complaint at the Lokayukta court.