Bangalore: An inebriated man allegedly stabbed his son-in-law to death during a row at a family function in Viveknagar here on Friday evening.
The victim is Suresh Kumar (26), married to Gitanjali, the daughter of the accused Pandian (55).
On Friday, Suresh Kumar, a cloth merchant, came to Ejipura with his wife and their one-and-half-year-old daughter to attend a family function at the Sri Rama Temple. Viveknagar police said that Pandian, belligerent in the best of times, had one drink too many and created a scene.
An embarrassed Suresh Kumar asked his father-in-law to leave. This led to a quarrel and the two came to blows. In the melee, Pandian pulled out a knife and stabbed his son-in-law. He fled before anyone could react.
Suresh Kumar was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead.
The police have registered a case of murder.