Data indicates high proportion of male users connected by mobile devices
Of the country’s estimated 100 million Facebook users, 4.4 million are in Bangalore. Hooked to social media mostly through their mobile phones, Bangaloreans have also ensured the city has the third largest base of FB users after Delhi and Mumbai.
Tracked by leading global social media agency, KRDS, the numbers indicate another key trend: An overwhelming 84 per cent of the users accessed Facebook on their mobile devices. Android smartphones made up 55 per cent of these devices, while feature phones accounted for 36 per cent. Only 4.8 per cent logged into the social networking site from an iPhone.
The high proportion of smartphones was clearly an indication of such handsets turning increasingly affordable. Tech analysts are convinced the use of feature phones with limited Internet browsing capabilities will drop even further.
76 pc male users
But the KRDS survey had more surprises in store. A staggering 76 per cent of the Facebook users countrywide were male, a trend that found an echo among Bangalore users as well. However, the maximum users among both genders were in the age group of 18-24 years. Among male FB users, this group accounted for 48.65 per cent, while 50.83 per cent of female users were in this age category.
Does users aged over 55 years use Facebook at all? The data analysis showed that the numbers are extremely low at 1.57 per cent among males and 1.5 per cent among female users. But these numbers could gradually rise as the young FB users grow older.
Unmarried users
How did these users measure up in terms of relationship? A substantial 30.61 per cent were single, but only 9.59 per cent were married. The majority, 53.06 per cent chose not to reveal their marital status. “It’s complicated,” a status option peculiar to Facebook had only 1.16 per cent.
Founded in Paris in 2008, KRDS has been part of Facebook’s Preferred Marketing Developer Programme’ since its launch in 2010 and specialises in Application creation, Ads and Community Management for the social networking site.
Currently, India has over 200 million Internet users. This is estimated to increase to 600 million by 2016. Data indicate that half of this population is hooked onto Facebook. A rising proportion of this net-savvy population are connected to Twitter, YouTube and other social media platforms.