Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Wednesday condoled the death of world-renowned yoga guru B K S Iyengar, whom he hailed as “the shining star in the field of Yoga.”
The nonagenarian yoga guru popularised Yoga which was the symbol of rich Indian tradition to the western world, Mr. Siddaramaiah said in his condolence message.
Iyengar passed away early this morning in Pune following illness.
The 96-year-old yoga guru had been ailing for some time and was admitted to a private hospital here a week back. He was put on dialysis after his condition worsened two days back.
He breathed his last at 3.15 am.
The Karnataka Chief Minister said Iyengar who had written several books on yoga was instrumental in enlightening people that yoga was not just a form of exercise, but a scientific method of maintaining both physical and mental health. Iyengar was special ambassador from the field of Yoga, he added.
Iyengar was born on December 14, 1918 at Bellur in Kolar District of Karnataka.
(The Hindu)