Kavita Karkare, widow of former Maharashtra Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) chief Hemant Karkare who died fighting terrorists during the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai, has been admitted to a hospital after she suffered brain haemorrhage and slipped into coma, police sources said today.
“Kavita Karkare sustained a brain haemorrhage because of which he has been taken to Hinduja Hospital at Mahim yesterday. Her condition is critical and she is in coma. Her treatment is underway,” a police officer said.
Kavita’s husband Hemant Karkare, then Maharashtra ATS chief, died defending Mumbai in the November 26, 2008 attacks. He was killed on the night of 26/11 near Cama Hospital, along with Additional Police Commissioner Ashok Kamte and senior police inspector Vijay Salaskar.