A police sub-inspector attached to the Vanrai police station was arrested on the charge of murdering another man. The accused cop, Amit Utekar, along with one of his relatives, allegedly killed Fakru Sheikh during a parking feud near a food centre in Ramnagar in Dombivli on Sunday. When Sheikh’s son Sameer came to intervene, Utekar bit his ear.
According to police officials from Ramnagar police station in Dombivli, Utekar is posted with Vanrai police station in Goregaon as a sub-inspector. He had to attend a relative’s marriage function in Ramnagar on Sunday. Around 8.30 pm, Utekar and the accused kin Ashutosh went to a popular biryani food joint in Ramnagar to eat. A while later, Sheikh came with his son Sameer to get a bite.
When they parked their car opposite the food centre, Utekar took issue and a heated argument ensued. Things suddenly got violent and Utekar and Ashutosh started pounding Sheikh. His son Sameer tried to break up the brawl but Utekar and his kin physically assaulted him as well. Utekar then gnawed at Sameer’s ear. A badly beaten Sheikh gave in and died on the spot, police said.
Bystanders caught hold of Utekar and called the police, who arrested him and his relative. Inspector S P Satav of Ramnagar police station said, “A fight occurred between them over parking. PSI Utekar has been arrested along with his relative Ashutosh on the charge of murder. They were produced in court and remanded to police custody for seven days.”