However, Raghuveer’s father Jay Prakash Singh and lawyer Kokila Kalra maintained that they would now appeal to the Bombay High Court. Crime Branch officials presented a sealed report (copy with MiD DAY) before the sessions court on Saturday, in which they revealed the reasons behind opposing the bail application.
A startling fact in the report is that the deceased’s son would often stuff socks into her mouth and then batter her. The victim had also lodged a complaint with the local police station regarding this abuse.
On the day Sandhya went missing –December 13 last year –, she had a tussle with Raghuveer, and it ended with the latter asking her to stay put, after which Sandhya retorted bitterly that she didn’t wish to speak to him.
In court, advocate Kokila Kalra argued that while leaving the house that day in haste, Sandhya had said that she was going to the Juhu residence of her brothers Jatin-Lalit, and her friend Uma was waiting to escort her there.
However, according to police officials the deceased didn’t go anywhere without informing her driver and her brothers.
Uma, who says she dropped Sandhya at the bank that morning, asserted that the victim had mentioned to her that a two-wheeler was following them the whole way, and it then vanished.
According to the Crime Branch, undisclosed sources revealed that they had seen Raghuveer on the bike along with his girlfriend Shreya.
On the other hand, the accused’s advocate argued that he had sold his two-wheeler a year ago.
The report also reveals that around 4.45 pm on December 13, when a friend of Jay Prakash knocked on the door, Raghuveer didn’t respond.
But a little later when a kitchen appliance repairer arrived the suspect sneakily opened the door and took the mixer from him.
Also, on December 15 when his father and uncle came calling, expressing the wish to visit the NRI complex building no. 26, which is in Sandhya’s name, Raghuveer claimed he couldn’t find the keys.
The full dope It has also been reported that Raghuveer had visited a nearby crematorium on the night of December 13, which was given away by his call records. Advocate Kalra, however, said that the suspect had gone there to smoke.