The Nagpada police arrested two women on last week for committing thefts in houses where they had got work as servants. The two accused have been identified as Ramjanvi Samudh Shaikh (28) and Amu Anand Pillai (26). They used different names while seeking employment in the residence of their victim. Preliminary investigations show that three cases of theft have already been registered against the two, at the Cuffe Parade, Juhu and Yellow Gate police stations respectively.
A complaint was registered by Rekha Kantilal Shah (41) on April 12 at the Nagpada police station. In her complaint, Shah said that a woman had come to her place asking for work on April 11, identifying herself as Sangeeta. The second accused went to the house an hour later, asking for work under the name Geeta. Police Sub-inspector Subana Naik of Nagpada police station said, “After negotiations, Shah hired the two to work in her house in the afternoon. Some relatives visited Shah that day, and when she was distracted, they stole her valuables.”
The theft came to light when the two accused didn’t report to work the next day, after which Shah started checking her house. She realised that the two had stolen all her jewellery, worth Rs 12.77 lakh. A team consisting of PSI Naik, Assistant Sub-inspector S Salekar, constables S Ugade and Suresh Tamde later arrested the two from Carnac Bunder. The two have been arrested and booked under Section 381 (theft by clerk or servant of property in possession of master). They were produced in court yesterday and have been remanded in police custody till April 26. (MD)